The spoken word is the most powerful form of expression. Storytelling is an art form, experience and  energy unlike any form of communication. The right voice, at just the right time, and the right place brings those images and ideas into focus and makes all the difference in connecting to your audience.

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Filmmakers often spend years bringing their wildlife conservation films from concept into reality; capturing behaviors and insights into the animals secret world in an attempt to educate and expose the unknown. The voice that conveys your story to the audience is vital to the impact it will make.  Tone, cadence and emotion are the cornerstones of compelling wildlife narration.

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Bringing theory into practice from the boardroom to your team and clients, demands an experienced voice that can communicate your innovative ideas and concepts into clarity, authority and purpose.  Projects take on another dimension when combined with an effective and impressive presence.

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Kathy Riley is an American voiceover artist who specializes in Wildlife Conservation, Documentary and Corporate narration.

I was born and raised in Chicago, but I’ve always felt the world was my home.

My career in radio began many years ago, in Aspen, Colorado as an overnight DJ and that started my journey in broadcasting which took me all over the United States and then later, internationally, as a radio talk show host and news presenter in Europe and the Middle East. I’ve also had the privilege of living in Africa and Latin America. I’ve had the most remarkable experiences along the way, and I’ve met so many inspiring people who are devoting their lives to making the world a better place.

Those incredible events and relationships not only shaped my beliefs, my values and who I am today, but they have nurtured a unique point of view that serves my storytelling performances.

It’s time now for me to give back.

I was first introduced to Africa by my Swedish husband whose family lived in Kenya and Tanzania for decades. My very first safari in the Serengeti during the migration, was a life altering experience, and I vowed to devote my future to the protection of wildlife. I feel a deep responsibility to use my voice and bring awareness to species that are on the verge of extinction and to help preserve their habitat. I have seen the most beautiful views of wildlife in their natural environment and I’ve witnessed the horrific atrocities of butchered rhino horns and elephant tusks by poachers.

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There are many untold stories that must be made public and Documentary Film Narration offers me the opportunity to speak on behalf of issues that are compelling and of vital importance. Content that not only educates but reveals social injustices that can influence change and improve people’s lives.

Corporate Innovation is bringing optimism to the 4th industrial revolution. There are a growing number of companies with a conscious, that contribute to the environment, develop poverty-stricken economies and support a prosperous future for the next generation. The application of technologies where communities can thrive and create a sustainable future.

Choosing to specialize in these niche genres are my passion and purpose. I was gifted with a voice that people connect with and I choose to use it to make a difference.

My best work comes when I’m deeply moved by a just cause and I enjoy partnering with organizations that are equal in altruism and creativity.

When I reflect on my journey, and how to best honor those stories that serve humanity, I’m always reminded of that first safari in the Serengeti and I am proud to be a part of that resolute conservation army and use my voice on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.

Kathy divides her time between Chicago, Africa, Stockholm and Abu Dhabi.




Kindly contact Kathy at